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Welcome New Teachers: They Feel They Belong

We are glad to introduce and welcome our new teachers! They have been embraced by our community and they have also been taking intensive training, in order to be ready for our students! We want to share with you a little something about them and what they like best about Rochester. Mónica Bernal Professional Development Director

Stephanie Guinand – Preschool Teacher I have the pleasure to be the Family Coordinator of Prekindergarten A and teach students English and Math at Rochester School. There are many things I like about Rochester School, but what I love the most is that I am able to experience teaching through Choice Theory by William Glasser, which no other school in Colombia has. I am truly amazed at seeing how students and teachers can learn to take control of their lives by being responsible and open-minded. Overall the school provides a healthy environment, where the entire community can grow and learn in so many ways. I am honored to be part of this family. Thank you!

Emma Gaskill – High School English Teacher I teach English in High School, 9th to 12th Grades. What I love about Rochester school is that relationships with human beings and nature are considered important.

William Muller – Middle School English Teacher I have been a foreign languages instructor for 8 years, 3 of them in Baltimore, Maryland USA, and 4 years here in Colombia. I will use my experience in pedagogy to teach English through an active inquiry methodology. By using William Glasser’s method of Choice Theory, our many subjects will include risk taking, community building and creative problem solving. I am absolutely animated and excited to teach at Rochester because of the methodology that is used, the virtues that Rochester promotes and the absolute potential to be an influence for the leaders of Colombia and the world’s future.

Mauricio Hernández – High School Portuguese Teacher I will be teaching Portuguese from 9th to 12th Grades. As a new teacher, I feel very welcomed by everybody at Rochester. I already love how everybody cares for each other in different ways. 

Jimena Hincapié – Occupational Therapist I will support the motor, sensory and cognitive development of preschool children. What I like the most about being at Rochester is having the opportunity to grow personally and professionally with the children and with my co-workers.

Resumen: Gratamente damos la bienvenida y presentamos a nuestros nuevos docentes. ¡Ellos han sido acogidos por nuestra comunidad y también han estado recibiendo capacitación intensiva, para estar listos para nuestros estudiantes! Queremos compartir con ustedes lo que a ellos más les gusta del Rochester.

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Inspirar y educar estudiantes a tomar control de sus vidas con el mundo en mente. 

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