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Virtues Development – What are you grateful for?

Happy Easter everyone! Hope this new week comes full of gratitude for life, health and family. May we cherish the blessings around us in these challenging times.

Feeling grateful improves integral health as it boosts our receptivity, acknowledgement and awareness of the relationships around us. Science has proven several benefits from gratefulness in our daily lives, for example:

  1. Reduces stress levels 

  2. Boosts the immune system 

  3. Reduces blood pressure and 

  4. Improves the sleeping patterns

It is highly important to train the brain to be grateful and teach kids about its importance.

The following are some strategies to help kids feel grateful (taken from the book “Making Grateful Kids”, from Jeffrey J. Froh and Giacomo Bono):

Strategy No. 2 – Help children regulate negative emotions by being a calm problem solver, by labeling and validating their emotions, and by replacing their negative thoughts with positive ones.

Strategy No. 8 – Be a role model for children in thanking and giving. Encourage them to thank, give and be thoughtful toward friends, particularly using their character strengths.

Strategy No. 25 – Model positive relationship behaviors with family and friends by being generous and thanking others. Encourage children to do the same.

For more information on the strategies, please refer to the document attached.

What are you grateful for? How are you training your brain to feel grateful? Can you share three things you feel thankful for from the past few weeks?

Pamela Ospina  Virtues Development Coordinator

Resumen: ¡Felices Pascuas a todos! Esperamos que esta semana inicie llena de agradecimiento por la vida, la salud y la familia. La gratitud promueve la salud integral y refuerza el bienestar físico de cada uno, así: reduce los niveles de estrés, fortalece el sistema inmune, reduce la presión arterial y mejora los patrones del sueño.

En el documento adjunto, encontrarán el libro “Making Grateful Kids”, from Jeffrey J. Froh y Giacomo Bono con 32 estrategias que promueven el agradecimiento. 

Y tú, ¿qué quieres agradecer? ¿Cómo estás entrenando tu cerebro para la gratitud? ¿Podrías compartir tres cosas que quieras agradecer del confinamiento?

Pamela Ospina  Coordinadora Desarrollo de Virtudes

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