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Reopening our Campus

There is a certain kind of enthusiasm in the air, as months, days and minutes go by, waiting for our premises to be filled again with the joy and laughter of our 930 students. All our staff and faculty members are thrilled to receive them and embrace their uniqueness!

We have carefully and consciously prepared for that moment doing many things in order to receive our students with the security and protection they deserve, as follows:

  1. The Biosafety Protocol, prepared by our President, Juan Pablo Aljure, and the Committee created for that purpose was presented to the local authorities in Chía, in June, 2020.

  2. We improved the air quality and its recirculation measures in all classrooms.

  3. We have performed many tests on the physical distancing policies in the classrooms and rearranged the work spaces for the teacher and the students, leaving 16 modules from Prek to 5th Grade and 16 modules from 6th to 12th Grade. In our shared classroom spaces we will have 20 modules maximum.

  4. We bought automatic temperature devices that are already installed at the reception, at the snack bar entrance where buses arrive, and at the serving points at the cafeteria.

  5. We constructed 4 outdoor stations for students and staff to wash their hands constantly. The hand soap is automatic, so nobody needs to touch anything.

  6. All our newly bought gel dispensers are automatic.

  7. Every classroom will have a cleaning kit for teachers and students to clean after they finish each class. 

  8. We have installed special shoe cleaning stations at all the entrances of the school, in order for people to clean their shoes before entering the premises.

  9. We have designed road signs on the floor for the students and staff to understand the flow of movement along the hallways and staircases.

  10. We have installed posters at every bathroom facility for children, in order for them to read instructions and follow cleaning procedures. 

  11. We continue with the process of carefully cleaning all buildings, shared spaces and outdoor premises. 

  12. Our biosafety protocol for the buses is in place.

  13. All our staff members use face masks and face shields to follow the government and Ministry of Health procedures, in order to safeguard all our students and staff members.

We gladly received Wednesday, August 19th, at 10:00 a.m., 30 families that came to visit our school at 10:00 a.m. and were able to see first hand how our school has dedicated a considerable amount of time, energy and money to our commitment to well-being, safety and the protection of our children.

Resumen: Hay un cierto entusiasmo en el aire a medida que los meses, días y minutos pasan, esperando que nuestra infraestructura se vuelva a llenar con las risas y alegría de nuestros 930 estudiantes. Todos nuestros colaboradores, docentes y no docentes, están emocionados de recibirlos y celebrar con cada uno. Nos hemos preparado cuidadosa y conscientemente para ese momento, realizando muchas labores de bioseguridad, protección y bienestar, tal como nuestros estudiantes lo merecen, algunas de las cuales compartimos en los 13 puntos enumerados anteriormente. Recibimos la visita de 30 familias que recorrieron el campus y pudieron ver de primera mano cómo nuestro Colegio ha dedicado un tiempo considerable invirtiendo energía positiva y dinero en nuestro compromiso hacia la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes.

Iliana Aljure Vice-principal

Alethia Bogoya Principal

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Inspirar y educar estudiantes a tomar control de sus vidas con el mundo en mente. 

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