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“Latinoamérica en Acción” Conference (Operation Smile)

“Together we strive for a world where no parent has to tell their child that there are no options or that there is no hope”

LEA is “Operation Smile’s annual student conference in Latin America where students can learn more about the impact Operation Smile has on the world and meet, through this experience, other young students and peers from all over the world who want to be agents of change.” High school and university students, ages 14 and older, are at Las Camelias Hotel in Armenia, Quindío from January the 20th to January the 25th, in order to share experiences, build their leadership skills and dream big!

Our freshmen students Martina Chediak, Valerie Villegas, and Emilio Restrepo are representing Rochester School at this event, in the company of Pilar Tunarroza, the Natural Sciences Coordinator.  We feel very proud and wish them well as they become agents of change. We are convinced that young people are called to lead the world we live in and events like this help students shape their desired futures and lead the change! Congrats to Martina, Valerie, Emilio and their families!

Reference: Operation Smile (2020). Latinoamérica en Acción conference. Retrieved from:

Resumen: LEA es la conferencia anual de estudiantes de Operación Sonrisa en América Latina que busca animar a los participantes a ser agentes de cambio. Durante 6 días, estudiantes de diferentes países alrededor del mundo se reúnen para construir su capacidad de liderazgo y soñar en grande. ¡Felicitamos a Martina Chediak, Valerie Villegas y Emilio Restrepo, estudiantes de 8º grado, quienes están representando al Colegio Rochester en esta experiencia de vida!

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