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Welcome New and Old Students from PK to 3rd Grade!

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Dear Parents and Students from PK to Third Grade: 

We feel excited, proud and extremely happy to have you back this new school year 2020-2021. Last week we had the opportunity to receive our students and had a variety of activities to connect, have fun, explore our quality world pictures and get ready to begin our formal classes this week. 

We want to give a special welcome to our Prekinder students, the new students from other grades and their families:


Angel David Prieto

First Grade

Santiago Rodríguez 

Matías Gabriel Rivas

Second Grade

Luciana Abello

Alberto Gaskill

Sara Tabares

Sarah Valentina Franco

Valeria Castro

Third Grade

Manuela Sánchez

María Victoria Peña de Abreu

Laura Sarai Chavarro

A big hug from all teachers!

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Resumen: ¡Bienvenidos queridos padres y estudiantes de Prejardín a Segundo grado! Nos sentimos muy felices de recibir a nuestros estudiantes, especialmente a los de Prejardín y los estudiantes y familias nuevas de otros grados. La semana pasada nos dedicamos a conectarnos y a explorar las imágenes de nuestro mundo de calidad. ¡Un abrazo fraternal del equipo docente para todos!

Marcela Muñoz Relations Director PK to 3rd Grade

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Solicita Admisión

Inspirar y educar estudiantes a tomar control de sus vidas con el mundo en mente. 

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