Sixth grade students created original compositions in pencil and paper, exploring techniques such as Frotagge (French word referring to rubbing textures on paper) and transfer (moving a drawing from one paper to another, with a graphite mine) to then apply what they learned in creative and imaginative compositions.
Line and form have been the pillars in the drawing. However, there are techniques in which the sense of touch is revealed. Students observed their environment and discovered different surfaces such as the soles of their shoes, a grater, a board, a fruit, a fabric or an everyday element t around them.
These are some of the results of our wonderful achievement.
Resumen:Â Experimentamos con texturas, el calcado y la imagen seriada
Los estudiantes de Quinto Grado crearon composiciones originales en lápiz y papel, explorando técnicas como el Frotagge (palabra de origen francés, frotar texturas sobre papel) el transfer (Trasladar un dibujo de un papel a otro, con mina de grafito) para luego aplicar lo aprendido en composiciones creativas e imaginativas
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