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Visual Arts Talent – Gabriela Florez Rico – Upper Elementary

Gabriela Florez Rico from 4th A has stood out in the Visual Arts class for her great talent in the use of various techniques such as pencil drawing, watercolors, and mixed media. Gabriela has developed a keen ability to observe all kinds of details and has found a way to represent them with outstanding realism for her age. From a very young age Gabriela has practiced in spaces outside of the school and her great perseverance and creativity are evidence of this effort.

My dream as an art teacher is that in the very near future she will be recognized as a national and international artist. Her works are colorful and there are always animals such as birds or foxes, in addition to the portraits in which she is dabbling. With this article, I wanted to highlight her process and share it with the community because she is the seed of a GREAT artist.

Daniel Molina S. Art teacher Elementary- Middle school

Resumen: Gabriela Florez Rico de tercero A , se ha destacado en la clase de Artes Visuales por su gran talento en el uso de variadas técnicas como el dibujo a lápiz , las acuarelas y técnicas mixtas. Gabriela ha desarrollado una aguda habilidad en observar todo tipo de detalles y a encontrado la forma de representarlos con un realismo muy destacado para su edad. Desde muy pequeña Gabriela ha practicado en espacios fuera del colegio y su gran constancia y creatividad son evidencias de este esfuerzo.

Mi sueño como su profesor de arte es que en un futuro muy cercano sea reconocida como un artista nacional e internacional. Sus trabajos son coloridos y siempre hay animales como aves o zorros, además los retratos en los que está incursionando. Con este artÃ

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