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Swimming, Swimming, Joy, and Fun – Swimming Class – PK

During the second term, PK students faced various challenges in their swimming class. To begin with, they made short movements in the pool, submerged themselves completely, and gradually developed the ability to blow and produce bubbles through their mouths and noses, thus beginning to retain the aspirated air (apnea).

Finally, they managed to make short, medium, and long displacements, with and without the help of floating elements.

Jorge Ramírez

Resumen: Durante el segundo trimestre los estudiantes de Prejardín enfrentaron diversos retos en su clase de natación. Para empezar, realizaron desplazamientos cortos dentro de la piscina, se sumergieron totalmente y fueron desarrollando la capacidad de soplar y producir burbujas por boca y nariz empezando así a retener el aire aspirado (apnea).

Finalmente lograron realizar desplazamientos cortos, medios y largos, con ayuda y sin ayuda de los elementos flotantes. 

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