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Singapore Math method – Having Fun with Maths – 2nd Grade

This term, Second Grade students are learning how to multiply and divide. It has been a very satisfying and enjoyable process because they have learned by playing using concrete materials, such as buttons and ice cube trays or cups. The concepts of putting together equal groups for multiplication and sharing and grouping for division have been easily acquired by children through this methodology, which is part of the Singapore Math method. This method focuses on using the concrete, pictorial and abstract steps for students to learn and be able to apply Math in their lives.

Adriana Biagi Montoya Preschool & Lower Elementary Academic Director Assistant Family Coordinator 3rd C

Resumen:Este trimestre, los estudiantes de 1º están aprendiendo a multiplicar y dividir. Ha sido un proceso muy satisfactorio y divertido porque han aprendido jugando con materiales concretos, tales como botones, cubetas para hielo o vasos. Los conceptos de formar grupos iguales para multiplicar y compartir y agrupar para dividir han sido fácilmente adquiridos por los niños a través de esta metodología, la cual forma parte del método Singapore Math. Este método se enfoca en pasar por las etapas concreta, pictórica y por último abstracta para que los estudiantes comprendan y puedan utilizar las matemáticas en su vida diaria.

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