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Shared Bread Community Accomplishments

The Shared Bread project led by the Rochester Educational Foundation seeks to collect food during the first five days of each month as a donation to the families of the English for Fusca program. This program is part of the Education and Solidarity projects lead by Rochester Educational Foundation, and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger. 

With all the donations received in November, we were able to assemble 40 non-perishable food packs for 30 English for Fusca families and 10 more for those in need in our community. We thank the students of Luis Eugenio Posada’s Servant Leadership class, the Student Council representatives (Ximena Cortés, Antonio Devia & Nicolás Cortés),  the mothers representing the Parents Council (Natalia Gutiérrez & Gloria Tobón),  Sandra Adarme, Dora González, Alethia Bogoya and Luis Eugenio Posada, who helped organize the donations.

We thank the entire community from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th who joined and contributed through donations and work. Rochester families demonstrated their great solidarity in this month of Thanksgiving. With faith, hope and gratitude, values of this school year, we are contributing to a more equitable society through small but kind gestures.

Iliana Aljure President Rochester Educational Foundation

El proyecto de Pan Compartido liderado por la Fundación Educativa Rochester, busca recoger alimentos entre los cinco primeros dÃ

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