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Recording music ensembles from home

One of the most important aspects of the musical practice is the ability to perform collectively, working as a system within the context of a common beat, a range of dynamics, the uniformity of articulations and a common overall sense of expression. All of these elements are present in an ensemble practice on campus, but due to the nature of a Home Learning process, it was necessary to adapt and find a new way to be able to play music together while being apart.

Students learned the use of basic recording and editing software in order to register their individual performance as part of a whole product. Based on a click track with a harmonic and melodic guide, students recorded a real instrument or a digital one via MIDI, in order to participate in the performance. We collected each individual audio on a main session and then edited and mixed the track. They are currently recording a video of their performance in order to share it as an audiovisual product. In the long term, we are projecting to publish a video playlist of students’ performances which take upon different musical styles.

Resumen: Grabando Ensambles Musicales Desde Casa. Uno de los aspectos más importantes de la práctica musical es la habilidad de interpretar colectivamente, trabajando como un sistema enmarcado en el contexto de un pulso común, un rango de dinámicas, la uniformidad de las articulaciones y un sentido general de expresión. Estos elementos se encuentran presentes en la práctica de ensamble en el campus, pero debido a la naturaleza del proceso de Aprendizaje en Casa, fue necesario adaptarse y encontrar nuevas maneras de tocar música colectivamente, aún estando a distancia. Los estudiantes aprendieron a usar software básico de grabación y edición para poder registrar su interpretación individual, para luego hacer parte de un producto. Basándose en un click track con una guÃ




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