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Rainwater/Harvesting – Integrated Project – 10th Grade I

Over the last couple of weeks we have been working on our integrated project in 10th Grade on the topic of water. Water is a fundamental resource for survival and has been crucial in the development of human civilization. However, water is also a scarcity and something that we must strive to preserve. In English, students have addressed the issue of water from its importance to society and how we can “plant†water through the concept of rainwater-harvesting. This project is based on the book by Brad Lancaster called “Rainwater Harvesting For Drylands and Beyond†(Lancaster, 2013). 

In this unit, students have read the first chapter of Brad Lancaster´s book and presented different principles of rainwater-harvesting to the class; watched Brad Lancaster´s TED Talk and answered questions on this topic; and finally, designed a sketch, a model and a presentation for how to implement these principles at Rochester School.

The essential questions for this unit are:

  1. What is a watershed, rainwater harvesting, interconnectedness and water energy- nexus?

  2. How can rainwater-harvesting principles be implemented in our community?

  3. Do you agree that rainwater-harvesting can be used for human consumption (drinking)?

The students enjoyed learning about this concept and seeing the value to their lives and the future.

References: Lancaster, B. (2013) Rainwater Harvesting For Drylands and Beyond. Tucson, Arizona: Rainsource Press

Jennifer Chant Acevedo

English Teacher

High School – Grade 9-12

Resumen: Durante las últimas semanas hemos estado trabajando en nuestro proyecto integrado en 9° Grado sobre el tema del agua. El agua es un recurso fundamental para la supervivencia y ha sido crucial en el desarrollo de la civilización humana. Sin embargo, el  agua también es una escasez y algo que debemos esforzarnos por preservar. En inglés, los alumnos han abordado el tema del agua desde su importancia para la sociedad y cómo podemos “plantar†agua a través del concepto de recolección de agua de lluvia. Este proyecto está basado en el libro de Brad Lancaster llamado “Rainwater Harvesting For Drylands and Beyond†(Lancaster, 2013).

En esta unidad, los estudiantes leyeron el primer capÃ

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