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Participation in the UNCOLI Preschool Arts Festival at Nogales School

First Grade C students, in their Visual Arts class, visited Nogales School for the Preschool Arts Festival.

They participated with three projects: 1. Historical self-portraits in oil pastel in which they were drawn with face masks, this being a work that remains as evidence of the current time of pandemic. 2. Botanical illustrations in which they included organic material defining the chosen species. 3. Ethnic masks assembled with recycled material and non-conventional material.

Prekindergarten and Kindergarten participated with drawings of tigers made with natural pigments such as turmeric, beetroot and achiote, which were extracted by themselves for the celebration of the New Year of the Chinese Tiger. They also made a large-scale landscape integrating organic material with various paintings and some birds from the savannah.

We received positive feedback from attendees of the exhibition, which was replicated at Rochester after being exhibited at UNCOLI, defining the environmental focus of the school’s artistic productions.

Daniel Molina Teacher of Visual Arts in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th-8th

Resumen:Los estudiantes de Transición C, en su clase de Artes Visuales, estuvieron visitando el colegio Nogales para asistir al Festival de Artes de Preescolar. 

Participaron con tres proyectos: 1. Históricos autorretratos en pastel graso en los que se dibujaron con los tapabocas, siendo este un trabajo que queda como evidencia de la actual época de pandemia. 2. Ilustraciones botánicas en las que incluyeron material orgánico definiendo la especie escogida. 3. Máscaras étnicas ensambladas con material reciclado y material no convencional. 

Prekinder y kinder participaron con unos dibujos de  tigres hechos con pigmentos naturales como cúrcuma, remolacha y achiote, los cuales fueron extraÃ

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