In Spanish class, our Ninth graders studied strategies for conducting a formal interview. As part of a fun, cooperative activity, they imagined an interview with a character from “Iliadâ€.
Paula Romero and Alejandro Alcalá created an article in which Iris and Hermes, the messenger gods, asked Helen of Troy different questions about her profile of basic needs, Helen’s role in the Trojan War and her reflection upon the events that occurred in “Iliadâ€. In addition, the creative work in terms of design and graphic presentation stands out.
Paola González Spanish Teacher – High School
Resumen: En la clase de Español, nuestros alumnos de Octavo grado estudiaron estrategias para desarrollar una entrevista formal. Como parte de una actividad cooperativa y divertida, ellos imaginaron una entrevista a un personaje de La IlÃ