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Integrated Project PreK follow up : It´s a Small World

“I created this video to share with our community what PreK students are learning through their integrated project “It’s a Small Worldâ€. We began our expedition in Mexico. Students learned about national symbols, history, cultural traditions and food. They enjoyed the colors, music and tastes that represent this beautiful country. We also had the chance to honor and remember those who are no longer with us but who live in our memories and heartsâ€

Camila Clavijo English-Math Teacher Prekinder

Resumen: Seguimiento del Proyecto Integrado Prekinder : It’s a Small World

“Creé este corto video para compartir con la comunidad lo que los estudiantes de PrejardÃ

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Inspirar y educar estudiantes a tomar control de sus vidas con el mundo en mente. 

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