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Individual Work Science Third Grade

We want to give special recognition to Nicolás and Gabriel Acosta Barreto for the interesting and fun game they created using the guidelines posted in SeeSaw by their Science Teacher, Manuela Venegas. 

The Acosta brothers brainstormed different toys to invent, then they used a planning sheet to design their game and labeled the parts and materials they used in their design. 

They documented  the beginning, middle, and end of the process and made a video of the result. They felt very happy and successful, and had fun with their magnetic tic-tac-toe!

Resumen: Trabajo individual de ciencias en segundo grado

Queremos reconocer a Nicolás y Gabriel Barreto por el juego interesante y divertido que crearon, utilizando los lineamientos que la profesora de Ciencias, Manuela Venegas, adjuntó en SeeSaw. 

Los hermanos Acosta iniciaron haciendo una lluvia de ideas de los juguetes que podrÃ




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