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“Chew Your Food” Mini Statistics Project by Tomás Meza, Juan Ricardo Muñoz and Mariana Vázquez &#821

We invite the community to enjoy our Mini Statistics Project showing a problem proposed by our teacher about the association between the number of times one chews and the consumption of food. In this work it was possible to learn about the statistics involved in this study, such as variables, research objectives, experimental units and the use of control in a study. In our infographic, there are some questions about the problem with their answers, the historical context of the research, a solution diagram, our construction of the situation shown in a video and a webpage. In real life, we wanted to apply and conduct the experiment; so for three days we defined three baselines for the number of chews to see if we were more or less fullly dependant on the amount of times we chewed. Additionally, on our website you will find our plan and our references. We as a group wanted to aim for mastery, so almost all of the criteria we included in our final work meet the requirements of the rubric. Apart from the rubric, we believe it was a work where our knowledge about the subject and how we implemented and tested it in real life was shown, based on our final product. Most of all, we believe that it was a production that goes beyond the competent level in view of the work created, and how the initial problem was shown in different ways. We are proud of what we accomplished and the application of our acquired knowledge! We invite the community to watch our video and enjoy our Infographic on: “Mastica Tu Comida.”

Jose Luis Zamora Highschool Mathematics Teacher

Tomás Meza, Juan Ricardo Muñoz and Mariana Vázquez Tenth Grade Students


Invitamos a la comunidad a disfrutar de nuestro Mini Proyecto de Estadísticas mostrando un problema propuesto por nuestro profesor sobre la asociación entre la cantidad de veces que uno mastica y el consumo de alimentos. Consideramos que nuestro producto es algo que va más allá del nivel de competencia por nuestro producto final y la manera en la que interpretamos el problema inicial. ¡Estamos orgullosos de lo que logramos y de la aplicación de nuestros conocimientos adquiridos! Invitamos a la comunidad a ver nuestro video y disfrutar de nuestra infografía sobre: ​​”Mastica Tu Comida”.

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