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Adult Swimming: Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

We are culminating our Curricular and Extracurricular year 2021-2022 and with this, we are also finalizing the process of swimming lessons for the community of teachers and non-teaching staff of Rochester. We want to tell you that the swimming program for adults was full of emotions, learning, overcoming fears and always respecting the personal and characteristic development of each swimmer; always keeping in mind our four pillars:

Constancy of purpose: Constancy and motivation were always present in class, thus achieving personal goals.

Teamwork: This was reflected both in the teamwork between Mr. Jorge and Mr. Héctor when planning and advising the free practice, as well as in the assistance and support between each swimmer.

3. Excellence and improvement: Each one gave the best of themselves, showing all their abilities to develop their skills in the water and achieve each of the challenges.

4. Integral health: One of the main focuses was to always maintain the accompaniment and care for their own needs, overcoming fears, achieving personal goals in the water, improving their health and being constant despite the rain or cold.

Among the aquatic achievements we want to highlight are:

In the beginning, beginner swimmers made very short displacements, between 2 and 3 meters. Today, their movements are long (full semi-Olympic pool without stopping), allowing them to make training plans where they perform up to 1,200 meters per class session. Adequate respiratory control for the practice. Indispensable to feel safe in the water and achieve long displacements without the need to stop in the middle of the displacement. Proper postural adjustment, allowing to improve in the 4 classic swimming styles (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly), swimming with fluidity and tranquility.

We would like to give special recognition to the Director of Human Resources, Diana Alba, who is in charge of the program, and to the coordination of the Staff Wellness Center, Carolina Yepes, for providing spaces for exercise and relaxation within our daily work, thus working for the integral health of the teaching and non-teaching staff.

Jorge Ramirez Pinzón Swimming Teacher Preschool and Elementary 

Resumen:Ya estamos culminando nuestro año Curricular y Extracurricular 2021-2022 y con esto, también estamos finalizando el proceso de las clases de natación, para la comunidad de docentes y no docentes del Rochester. Queremos contarles que el programa de natación para adultos estuvo lleno de emociones, aprendizajes vencimos los miedos y respetamos siempre el desarrollo personal y caracterÃ

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