Wellness Center
El Colegio es consciente de la importancia de la salud integral (bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual), de la seguridad y de la protección de los niños, por lo que cuenta con un Centro de Bienestar Estudiantil compuesto por profesionales calificados en las áreas de psicología, terapia ocupacional, medicina, ortopedia y por el Capellán que apoya a los estudiantes en su salud espiritual.
Since August 2020, the Wellness Center has a Learning Development Coordinator (Decree 1421 of Inclusive Education of the Ministry of Education, 2017). All of them promote the well-being of community members and work as a team to prevent social, emotional, spiritual and learning difficulties in students, providing strategies, types of interventions and adaptations to maximize the learning and comprehensive health of the students of according to your needs. This exercise of supporting students requires constant professional development in matters of child protection and prevention of drug and alcohol consumption, mindfulness, social-emotional learning and workshops on protocols and laws to detect child abuse, among others.
Guide and Professional Guidance
Academic Guidance
Medical Care and Campaigns
of Health Education
Relationship Guidance
Learning Development Support
Extracurricular Therapies for Therapeutic Needs