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At the CRA we have activities for you every day of the week

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¡La alegría de leer!

It is a curricular program that is covered by district and national reading, writing and oral policies, such as the PILEO (Institutional Reading, Writing and Oral Program) and the PNLB (National Reading and Library Plan); whose fundamental objective is to provide tools that contribute to the promotion and growth of the reading, writing and speaking levels of school students.

This program presents a set of projects, aimed at Pre-K, Kindergarten and Transition students, including the community of teachers, administrators and other school collaborators. It is understood that a fundamental factor to meet the objective is that our students are surrounded by an environment where they truly enjoy “The joy of reading”, which in the words of William Glasser is expressed in the intention of “…simultaneously teaching students children, that the reward for the effort of reading is joy.”

Thematic pillars:

Grow personally with Information Sciences:

Children listen, read and browse for pleasure and personal growth.

They participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual group.

They share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of a society.

Concluir  y usar el conocimiento:

Children read to make connections to previous readings.

Children listen to readings to solve problems and to find meaning in their lives.

They organize knowledge so that it can be used as a basis for learning.

Research and consult valid information:

Students search, evaluate, check and select appropriate sources and resources to clarify ideas and answer questions.

Respond to literature and creative expression in different formats such as music and film.

Teaching Room

Espacio de uso exclusivo de los docentes. En esta sala se encuentran las ediciones docentes de los libros que se utilizan en cada área, además del material lúdico y recreativo de apoyo al proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje en el aula.

Newspaper archive

This space has 17 physical journal titles in different areas of knowledge for consultation by the entire academic community. There is a television to carry out activities that require audiovisual material.

General Room

The CRA offers a documentary collection of more than 29,500 copies from all areas of knowledge such as philosophy, social sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, arts, music, history, geography, among others.

Reading room

This space is intended for reading workshops, talks and classes that require the exploration of audiovisual material, such as information skills workshops. It also has a collection of more than 4,200 copies of youth and adult literature.

Children's Room

Space is designed for early readers, reading promotion activities are carried out such as the joy of reading, author visit, reading club among others. It has a collection of more than 5,000 specimens according to age and development.

Group Work Cubicles

These spaces are designed to carry out academic activities individually and in groups.

Archivo Histórico

Colección del patrimonio histórico de la Fundación Educativa Rochester. En ella se preservan  las medallas, diplomas,  anuarios, reconocimientos y certificados otorgados por la excelencia educativa de la institución.


This place supports teachers in the preparation of educational materials such as printing, photocopying, ringing and laminating.


El Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje cuenta con varios servicios a los que  toda la comunidad académica puede acceder:

Préstamo de libros: Podrás tomar en préstamo cuentos, novelas, cómics, obras teatrales, novelas gráficas y libros en general de todas las áreas del conocimiento, para llevar a casa por 8 días con opción de renovarlo por el mismo tiempo. Además, podrás reservar los libros, accediendo al Catálogo Destiny con tu cuenta institucional.


Cubicle loans: If what you want is to find a quiet space for individual work or in pairs, you can reserve cubicles at the circulation and loan point.

Préstamo de libros: Podrás tomar en préstamo cuentos, novelas, cómics, obras teatrales, novelas gráficas y libros en general de todas las áreas del conocimiento, para llevar a casa por 8 días con opción de renovarlo por el mismo tiempo. Además, podrás reservar los libros, accediendo al Catálogo Destiny con tu cuenta institucional.

Reprography: You will be able to photocopy documents during break times.

Podios morados

Block 3 Floor 1


Lun - Vie

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

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