Conservation Projects

Proyecto Tití (Tití)
Santa Catalina, Bolívar
We link the community with nature because there is the starting point for a better future. This project is led by Rochester School in alliance with the Proyecto Tití Foundation, in favor of the conservation of the tropical dry forest and the endemic species that inhabit it, such as the White-headed Marmoset Monkey (Saguinus Oedipus).
This is one of the many species that has survived the conditions of water stress in its ecosystem, so every day it is more important to join forces for its conservation. The territory of the White-headed Tamarin formerly covered more than 9 million hectares, of which today only less than 8% remains. The capture of these small animals, added to the indiscriminate deforestation of the area, has relegated the species to living in isolation and without major reproduction options. We cannot remain indifferent to this real threat that endangers both the jungle and the inhabitants of the entire Earth, being one more factor in the increase in global warming.
Help us reforest this beautiful area and together we will save a unique animal of its kind. Colombia united for life!

Rochester Ostainable
Chingaza National Natural Park, Andean Region of Colombia
The Rochester Ostainable project aims to work for the conservation of the Andean Bear and its ecosystem. It is a representative species of the Andean area of our country that needs help more than ever. The degradation of its habitat due to human action and the imminent danger of hunting have unleashed an unprecedented social and environmental conflict in this territory.
The problem we face not only affects high mountain ecosystems, but also directly affects the generation of natural resources, from which the immense population that lives in other areas of the Bogotá Savannah is supplied. It is indisputable that we must act before it is too late. Fortunately, more than 7 years ago we have found echo in different non-governmental organizations that, together with our students, have accompanied us in this complex but rewarding mission.
Thank you to everyone who collaborates by carrying out educational brigades and contributes financially to make this possible!

Plant Trees, Plant Life
Chía, Cundinamarca and
Montes de María, Sucre / Bolívar
For Rochester School, the formation of well-rounded citizens is a constant challenge. Along these lines, physical and mental health acquire more relevance than in any other educational institution in Colombia. It is no coincidence then that the Ministry of Environment and Development has set its eyes on the "Sowing Trees, Sowing Life" project, an initiative that the School has been developing since mid-2019, and which has managed to contribute to the restoration of the ecosystem with the planting more than 6,000 native trees.
Shared vision that has allowed us to be chosen as a model to follow by the government entity in the National Sembratón that began in March 2020.
The initiative has gained international visibility since the Australian activist, Jon Dee, visited the country, being dazzled by our School's educational project. Since then, the organization "One Tree per Child", founded by Dee and Olivia Newton-John, has collaborated with us to expand the reach of the project to other public and private schools in Colombia.
This initiative reduces the effects of climate change both in Chía and in the Montes de María, where we collaborate with the reforestation of the forests, habitat of the White-headed Marmoset Monkey.