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Happiness and success

Llena tus Datos y Descarga el E-book de Crianza Inspiradora y Feliz

Gracias por dejarnos tus datos. ¡Te regalamos un Ebook de Crianza, Inspiradora y feliz!

Benefits of Learning Presentations

Development of oral communication skills.

Development of teamwork.

Stimulation of creativity.

Strengthening critical thinking.

Family involvement.

Increased confidence in the public.

Leadership empowerment.

Improvement in the organization of ideas.

Celebration of success and effort.

Preparation for the future

Presentation videos

Boosting Presentation Skills in my Children

Model confidence: Show confidence by expressing yourself in front of your children to inspire them to do the same.

Encourage organization: Help your children structure their ideas before presenting them, teaching them the importance of good preparation.

Brinda retroalimentación constructiva: Ofrece comentarios positivos y sugerencias para mejorar después de cada presentación, ayudándoles a crecer.

Teach non-verbal communication skills: Explain the importance of eye contact, posture and gestures to convey confidence and security.

Be a role model: Practice your own presentation skills and communicate the importance of effective communication in all areas of life.

Practice as a family: Make small homemade presentations where everyone participates, promoting an environment of support and learning.

Encourage creativity: Encourage your children to find original ways to present their ideas, stimulating their creativity.

Support the use of visual resources: Encourage your children to use visual elements such as drawings, posters or photos to make their presentations more attractive.

Promote research: Motivate your children to research their topics of interest to enrich their presentations with relevant information.

Celebrate effort and always with FUN: Recognize and celebrate each step of improvement in their presentation skills, reinforcing their self-esteem and make these activities fun.

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