Recognition awarded by:

El Colegio Rochester ha sido galardonado con el prestigioso reconocimiento Best of Green Schools 2025, otorgado por el U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
Este premio distingue a instituciones educativas que sobresalen en sostenibilidad, evaluando su infraestructura ecológica, prácticas ambientales y programas educativos en favor del planeta. Las escuelas seleccionadas lideran iniciativas innovadoras para reducir su huella de carbono, fomentar la conciencia ambiental y promover un aprendizaje basado en la sostenibilidad, convirtiéndose en modelos para las futuras generaciones.
Apple Teachers
Students per Teacher
Years Leading and Innovating
Welcome to Rochester School
Live this wonderful adventure of growing with us!
We are a mixed, multilingual school with calendar B (August to June).
Our educational model is based on friendly and collaborative relationships, focused on the development and use of knowledge in multiple areas useful for life and the world, such as being comprehensively healthy, conserving biodiversity, promoting social equity and being happy.
Our high priority goal is for each student to feel safe and loved, learn everything expected, and their parents perceive this to be the case.

Estado del tiempo
Temperatura (ºC):
Humedad (%):
Velocidad del viento (km/h):
Nubes (tipo y % de cobertura):
Presión barométrica (hPa):
2 km/h
1012,2 hPa
Cirrus, 10%
Radiación solar (W/m²):
340 W/m²